Long range and basic training
In mid-April we had two events during weekend again. Long Range competition and our "Basic Sniper Training" focused on prone position and teamwork. The weather was unusually pleasant...

Long Range in Slovakia again. We had unbelievable weather and a huge number of shooters.

After the winter when we were freezing to the ground was suddenly beautiful 20 °C and sunshine. We were just not ready for this :-) ...

The wind was blowing as always but this time it was really worth it. The wind was not strong but it changed incredibly. On the first two targets it was blowing from the left. Then from the right then not at all and at 1000m from the left. 550m no wind and 500m wind from the right. In addition I made some changes to the rifle setting and the result was a complete disaster. I knew it was not right already during the training. Than the competition was just pure pain and suffering ...

Fortunately Veronika has been performing steadily and has again made a good result in ninth place...
The competition was great and we enjoyed it again. And we also prepare a summary of used equipment. Some findings are quite interesting ;-) Stay tuned...
On Sunday we had our Basic Training. Shooting prone up to 300m.

It was about basics. Prone position, different distances, working with a ballistic charts...

Sometimes even the prone position is not easy. For example in a slope...

We trained also the teamwork. Communication between the shooter and the observer is key and is not always easy.
Tento trénink se myslím velmi vydařil a byl hodně užitečný. Těším se až některé věci použijeme při komplikovanějších taktických soutěžích.I think this training was very successful and it was very useful. I look forward to use some techniques at more complicated tactical competitions.